Greetings! I'm your versatile coding aficionado, a multi-faceted developer fluent in the languages of JavaScript, PHP, and C. I spend my days immersed in the intricate world of reverse engineering, unravelling the digital mysteries of ones and zeros, crafting elegant solutions.

I groove to the timeless beats of Pop and Jazz, letting melodies guide me while writing code. Keen on staying at the forefront of innovation, I stay engaged with the latest research trends, particularly intrigued by the captivating world of generative AI.

I'm all ears for engaging conversations and exciting collaborations.



  • Minimalism

    In my daily work as a programmer, I embrace minimalism by prioritizing straightforward solutions and essential functionality. I focus on creating efficient, reliable, and lightweight tools, using the most suitable programming language for the task.

    Employing minimalism allows me to deliver tasks quickly, ensuring stability and clean user experiences. By minimizing dependencies, I create maintainable software with reduced security vulnerabilities.

  • Efficiency

    As my point of view, efficiency in my programming work goes beyond mere completion; it's about delivering high-performing results swiftly and resourcefully. I prioritize streamlined project management with tools like Jira and Git, often favoring Agile methodologies like SCRUM.

    My dedication to consistency and responses against the clock is evident in my CodinGame profile, reflects my commitment to efficiency. In this craft, I believe in simplicity, meeting customer specifications promptly, and avoiding cumbersome development cycles, always striving to enhance the process.

  • Reverse-Engineering

    I honed my programming skills through reverse engineering a classic MMORPG, my initial foray into coding. This practice grants me a deep understanding of code, aiding in debugging, behavior mimicry, and language interpretation.

    Utilizing tools for Reverse-Engineering, I swiftly debug and comprehend team code, showcasing adaptability. My achievements include uncovering a 0-day vulnerability and automating user experiences in games and apps.


Fullstack Developer, ParisTwipi Group

March 2021 to January 2023.

Development and maintenance of secure APIs and databases, using PHP 8, Laravel, SQL, AWS, Typescript and Docker for inventory management microservices. Project management using Jira and SCRUM. Collaboration with cross-functional teams. Applications and infrastructure deployed and managed on AWS. Application of code standards, unit testing and documentation. Occasional involvement in security issues.

Software Engineer, ParisOpen

April 2019 to September 2020

Placement as a design engineer with client companies. Genetic data analysis for INRA (C, Python). REST API and dashboard development for real estate management for IAD (Symfony 4, MySQL). Occasional recruitment assistance for profile selection and technical interviews.

Software Engineer, ParisM8

October 2018 to March 2019

In-house software development in the field of artificial intelligence. Data analysis and processing in the banking sector for automatic management of bank debit cards. Software in Java (Swing, OpenJDK, Gradle), scrapping tools in Python (PIP, Python3) and data visualization interfaces in PHP 7 (Slim, MariaDB, Apache).


Digital Technology Architect Certification, Paris42

Since 2014

42 is an IT school founded by Xavier Niel that prepares students for careers in IT development and coding.


Want to reach me ?

Get in touch or shoot me an email directly on tiboitel@student.42.fr